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Download Aurora Store for Android

2023-07-04 18:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Aurora Store is an app store for Android devices, made using the open-source Aurora code. It offers many of the key features of existing app stores but with enhanced usability options, such as spoofing and an anonymous mode.

FOSS app stores

The Google Play store is most people鈥檚 app store of choice, usually because it鈥檚 already on most Android devices. However, since it has very strict terms and conditions regarding what it can and can鈥檛 stock, FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) apps are usually excluded.

If you鈥檙e looking for a particular app you can鈥檛 find on typical channels or dislike the Google Play store鈥檚 hunger for personal data, Aurora Store might be what you need. It joins similar alternatives like F-Droid and APKPure as a (generally) safe and legal place to download Android apps. 

An open-source alternative

Aurora Store is built on the Aurora Open Source Software, and as such, the code can be examined, audited, changed, and downloaded by anybody. If you want to use Aurora Store, just download and run the app. 


The Aurora Store is as easy to use as its main rival, with categories of apps tied to personal taste and recommendations, as well as sorted by type (action, puzzle). It鈥檚 technically safe and legal to use, but keep in mind that some apps it hosts may not be; Aurora Store isn鈥檛 as strict as Google Play, although it鈥檚 still possible to find questionable apps on the latter.

If you want to purchase an app, you鈥檒l need to do so via the Google Play store. However, you can then download it with Aurora Store. However, you won鈥檛 be able to make in-app purchases.

Our take

Aurora Store is a decent alternative to Google Play if you鈥檙e careful. The main difference between the two app stores is that Aurora doesn鈥檛 collect any personal data when you use it. You can also spoof your device to download region-locked apps, which isn鈥檛 technically illegal but not generally encouraged.

Should you download it?

Yes. It has similar functionality to Google Play but without tracking any of your data.






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